Jurjen de Vries retail management & efficiency would like to point out the following concerning the use of the www.jurjendevriesretail.nl website:The website and all of its components are the property of Jurjen de Vries. Copying or duplicating the site or sections of it without the express written permission of Jurjen de Vries is not permitted. This permission is required for commercial usage.
Jurjen de Vries compiled the information shown on this website with due care and attention. Despite this, some of the information published on the website may be incomplete and/or incorrect.

Curious to find out what our approach can do for you?
Jeroen Douma
Jeroen Douma
Contact us
+ 31 (0) 6 414 19 487

Curious to find out what our approach can do for you?
Geert de Vries
Geert de Vries
Contact us
+31 (0) 6 463 63 404